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Assessing Approaches

The PBLA Practice Guidelines defines Portfolio Based Language Assessment or PBLA as an approach were "together, teachers and learners collaborate to set language-learning goals, compile numerous examples of language proficiency and learning in a variety of contexts over time, analyze the data, and reflect on progress. In this way, learners are encouraged to become more autonomous, active, and self-aware language learners, engaged in and responsible for their learning." 

Teaching Approaches

Task Based Language Teaching or TBLT is based on the belief that better learning happens when we ask students to use language to accomplish a meaningful real world tasks. TBLT prompts teachers to use authentic materials and exercise reverse planning or backward design. Planning in TBLT takes shape within a module plan. A module plan gives teachers an outline of what will be taught and how that helps to reach the end point. 


Whole-part-whole is an interactive instructional approach that works well with TBLT and is described by the Support Kit of the document ESL for ALL as an approach that "reinforces the notion that each task is comprised of a series of smaller, more manageable steps that help learners ultimately perform targeted real-world tasks."   


The Language Experience Approach or LEA, according to the Center for Adult English Language Acquisition, is "a whole language approach that promotes reading and writing through the use of personal experiences and oral language. " In short, "beginning literacy learners relate their experiences to a teacher or aide, who transcribes them. These transcriptions are then used as the basis for other reading and writing activities."   

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